The outdoor school pool is available for use by school families during the summer season (end of Term 4 until the middle of Term 1, usually closing for the Christmas period). A charge of $45 is made for a key which opens the pool gate and the changing rooms. An additional charge of $10 is made for keys not returned at the end of the swimming season. If you prefer to pay for your pool key in instalments, arrangements can be made with Mr Brenton.

Conditions for the use of the pool are issued with the key. You will be notified in the newsletter when the season opens and closes and keys will be available from the office. The pool key charge is to cover the extra operating costs involved in keeping the pool open over the summer holiday.

Children must be supervised by an adult (18 years or over). Please do not let children who are not accompanied by an adult into the pool area. The pool, as with all areas of the school, is a no smoking area.