Possible Strike Action
Tēnā koutou
No doubt you will have heard via the media or social media that teachers and principals throughout NZ MAY BE ON STRIKE next Wednesday – 31st May 2023.
The teachers’ and principals’ union (the NZEI), has advised school Boards and managements nation-wide that their members voted 2 days ago to go ahead with a one-day strike on Wednesday 31st May and a ban on meetings outside of 8.30am-4.30pm from 1st – 30th June 2023.
Due to a process initiated by the Minister of Education (on Tuesday 22nd May 2023) with the NZEI Te Riu Roa to progress collective agreement negotiations, any decision on moving forward with these industrial actions has been paused by the NZEI Te Riu Roa National Executive, for now.
HOWEVER, strike action may still take place on 31st May 2023 if the NZEI National Executive and the negotiations team feel insufficient progress has been made over the next few days through the new process agreed with the Minister of Education.
If action does go ahead on Wednesday 31st May, strike notices and information about local community actions will go out on Sunday 28th May. We will have insufficient numbers of non-union teachers to keep the school open so the school will need to close on the day.
This is all very disappointing from my point-of-view as the CEO of the school and the impact this may have once again on children’s learning. I will notify parents as soon as I receive an update from either or both parties involved in the negotiations.
Richmond School
14 Cambridge Street