Mid Year Interviews Room 3 – Wed 13th and Thurs 14th June

Mrs Brenton, Room 3, is having her Mid Year Interviews earlier than other classes as she is heading away for the last 3 weeks of Term 2.

To book:

1) Go to www.schoolinterviews.co.nz
2) Type in our school code eg8dw Click Go.
3) Enter your details and the number of students. Type in students full name.
4) Choose the teacher you wish to see from the drop down menu.
5) Select the time, only available times are shown.
6) Your timetable is shown. If correct select print or finish. It will be emailed to you.

Booking close 3pm Monday 11th June.

These interviews are for 15 mins. We ask children not to attend these interviews.

Notices for interview bookings for the rest of the school (Wed 20th and Thurs 21st June) will be sent home in Week 6.

By admin School News