We welcome parent help in the classrooms. This is an excellent way of keeping in touch with what is happening in your child’s classroom, as well as improving learning opportunities for all children in the room. Contact the class teacher if you would like to be scheduled in as a parent helper in the classroom.
There are many ways parents can become involved in the education of their children, both at home and at school.
- Helping children with homework at home is a very important part of learning. This should not generally be a ‘teaching’ time but rather a time to share schoolwork with your child. Homework set by teachers should always be within the child’s ability. If your child is finding homework difficult please let the class teacher know.
- Parents are also very welcome to help in the classroom. Please arrange suitable times with the class teacher if you would like to do this.
- We greatly value parent/caregiver help with school trips, sports activities, camps and other activities where a higher adult:pupil ratio is desirable or necessary for safety reasons.
- Assistance with a number of tasks around the school is also welcomed and appreciated e.g. lunch orders, sausage cooking, gardening, library help, fundraising, and working bees.
- Parents can also become involved as members of the Board of Trustees or as members of the Parent-Teacher Committee.
- Education is very much a team effort and partnership between parents, caregivers and teachers.
- Together we can provide the best possible educational opportunities for the children.
The school operates an ‘Open-door’ policy. We value parent/caregiver input and assistance; however it is important for parents/caregivers appropriately seek an interview time by making an appointment if they wish to have a formal interview with a teacher or the Principal.