We do appreciate early advice of enrolments and enrolment forms are available at the office for this purpose. It is however possible to enrol your child the day he/she starts school if circumstances are urgent. We can email the form to you upon request. We encourage four visits by prospective new entrants (5 year olds) and their parents in the two weeks leading up to the child’s starting date. Contact Glenna Armstrong if you would like to arrange pre-school visits. Please note that visits are not available during the last two weeks of the school year. Parents of children starting school at the beginning of the next year should arrange for their orientation visits in the weeks prior to the final two weeks of the year.

The actual enrolment is made at the office, usually with the Principal or Associate Principal along with a school tour. You may do this during one of the orientation visits or on the first day. Please note that we need to sight a New Zealand birth certificate at enrolment time, so please bring one with you. Alternatively, if your child was not born in New Zealand, please bring a copy of their passport showing Residency Status. You are also now required (by law) to bring your child’s Immunisation Certificate if you have one (available from your family doctor). If your child is not immunised, please let us know so that we can make a note of this. Please also complete a Computer Agreement and return with the other documents.

Please contact the office to arrange an appointment time to meet the Principal or Associate Principal who will provide you with a conducted tour of the school.

You can download a copy of our enrolment form and computer agreement here: