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Book Week – Week 8

Book week starts Monday 9th September, ending on Friday 13th September with our Book Parade around Richmond. Dress up as your favourite book character! Details of the route below if you would like to come and cheer us on!

Don’t forget to come support the Book Fair being held in Room 16 before and after school each day from Monday afternoon.

Get Snapped Reading Competition deadline is Thursday 12th September – submit a photo (real or fake) of you reading a book in an unusual place!


Book Parade Route:

The parade route will begin by crossing at Cambridge Street. Walking up Cambridge crossing the Oxford Street Crossing. We turn right and walk down Queen Street until we cross using the raised crossing near Whitcoulls back entrance. Turn right and carry on down Queen Street. Turn left at the end of the Mall and enter the Mall at the entrance near Pizza Hut. Walk through to the café and then turn left and exit out the Mall doors by Ambrosia Café. The parade will continue down Queen Street until it enters the main doors of the Tasman District Library. Walk through and out the back doors. Turn left once outside and use the path beside the library to return to Queen Street. Use the crossing and walk down Cambridge Street until the Oxford Street Crossing. Cross over and continue until opposite the school gates. Return to school…..then join in the Jump Jam!

By admin

Mid Term Interviews 2nd & 3rd July

Mid Year Interviews will be held on Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd July from 3.10pm. Please go to to book using the code v2tnm. You may also call the school office on 544 8959 to book.

These interviews are for 10 minutes and we ask children not to attend these interviews.

Teachers in Rooms 19 & 20 will make their own interviews.

By admin

Senior Production Tickets for Sale

“Medieval Madness 2” is the title of the Senior Production this term. Performances will be held on Wednesday June 26th 12.30pm and 7pm and Thursday June 27th 7pm at the Hope Community Church, Ranzau Road.

Tickets can be purchased from the school office $15 per adult, $5 per child and $35 per family (2 Adults & 2 Children).

See you there, it will be heaps of fun!

Running time approx 90 minutes.

By admin

Swimming Lessons – Term 3

Swimming lesson for the whole school will take place in Term 3 thanks to the help of Swim Magic and Kiwi Sport Funding. Every child will receive 10 x 25 minute lessons for a cost of $60 per child including the bus cost.

Week 1 & 2 – Junior Classes (Rooms 12 to 20)
Please make payment by Monday 1st July

Week 3 & 4 – Senior Classes (Rooms 1 to 6)
Please make payment by Monday 29th July

Week 5 & 6 – Middle Claases (Rooms 7 to 11)
Please make payment by Monday 12th August