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Senior Camps 2020

The senior syndicate camps next year are being held at Tukurua in Golden Bay during weeks 4, 6 & 8.
The cost will be $155 per child. This includes a five-hour bus trip to the Farewell Spit light-house (normally $58 per child/$160
per adult). This bus tour is one of Golden Bay’s wonderful treasures (taonga) – a trip of a life-time.
Parents are asked to pay a $155 donation. This can be by cash, eftpos or internet banking. Receipts will be issued as these
donations are tax deductible. Our school’s internet banking account details are 030751 0191581 00.
The dates of the camps are:

24th February – 26th February 2020 (Week 4). Room 3 – Mrs Brenton.
26th February – 28th February 2020. (Week 4). Room 4 – Miss Drummond.
9th March – 11th March 2020 (Week 6). Room 5 – Mrs Clark.
11th March – 13th March 2020 (Week 6). Room 1 – Mr Neal.
23rd March – 25th March 2020 (Week 8). Room 2 – Mrs Davis.
25th March – 27th March 2020. (Week 8). Room 6 – Mr Coeland.

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2020 Stationery Lists

2020 stationery lists and flyers will be going out with the reports today and we have teamed up with OfficeMax to make going back to school easy! Just visit to purchase all your child’s school stationery requirements. You can order in December and pay in January if you wish and choose to have delivery in either December or January. Richmond School will earn rewards from any stationery bought through Office Max either in-store (mention Richmond School) or online. Children starting in Rooms 19 and 20 in 2020, please buy your stationery from the school office. Thank you for your support!


By admin

Pool Keys $45

The pool is now open and keys are available for school families to purchase a key for the summer season for $45. Please call in to the office for further details. Please note that the pool will be closed for a period over Christmas and New Year while our caretaker is on annual leave.