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PTC School Disco – Friday 20th August – POSTPONED



PTC Disco Friday 20th August 2021, Richmond School Hall. Fluro theme – come dressed in bright, fluro clothes to glow under the disco lights!

All students to be accompanied by parent/caregiver over 18 years old who must stay at the disco please.

Junior Disco 6pm-7pm

Middle/Senior Disco 7.15pm- 8.30pm

Tickets $2 and Disco Bags $5 (contain small bag of chips, popcorn, mini chocolate bar, a few lollies and glow products) to be purchased in advance.

Chips, mini chocolate bars and glow products will be available to purchase on the night.

Lucky Dips $1.

Glow in the dark face painting free of charge.


Spot prizes for best dressed!

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Alert Level 4 School CLOSED from Wednesday 18th August

Due to NZ entering Alert Level 4 at 11.59pm on 17th August 2021, Richmond School will be CLOSED from Wednesday 18th August until and including Friday 20th August. Hopefully we can reopen on Monday 23rd August but we will keep you updated.

Teachers will be in touch via email with updates.

The school disco planned for Friday 20th will be postponed until a later date.

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PTC School Disco – Friday 20th August

PTC Disco Friday 20th August 2021, Richmond School Hall. Fluro theme – come dressed in bright, fluro clothes to glow under the disco lights!

All students to be accompanied by parent/caregiver over 18 years old who must stay at the disco please.

Junior Disco 6pm-7pm

Middle/Senior Disco 7.15pm- 8.30pm

Tickets $2 and Disco Bags $5 (contain small bag of chips, popcorn, mini chocolate bar, a few lollies and glow products) to be purchased in advance.

Chips, mini chocolate bars and glow products will be available to purchase on the night.

Lucky Dips $1.

Glow in the dark face painting free of charge.


Spot prizes for best dressed!

By admin

PTC School Fluro Disco – Friday 20th August

PTC Disco Friday 20th August 2021, Richmond School Hall. Fluro theme – come dressed in bright, fluro clothes to glow under the disco lights!

All students to be accompanied by parent/caregiver over 18 years old who must stay at the disco please.

Junior Disco 6pm-7pm

Middle/Senior Disco 7.15pm- 8.30pm

Tickets $2 and Disco Bags $5 (contain small bag of chips, popcorn, mini chocolate bar, a few lollies and glow products) to be purchased in advance.

Chips, mini chocolate bars and glow products will be available to purchase on the night.

Lucky Dips $1.

Glow in the dark face painting free of charge.


Spot prizes for best dressed!

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PTC Sausage Lunches Every Wednesday This Term!

The PTC are running sausage lunches every Wednesday this term. $2 per sausage in bread. Please send cash in envelope/sealed bag with your child’s name and room number by 9am Wed. Orders to go in class lunch boxes. No internet payments please but Eftpos available at the office.


The PTC would love some parent help with processing the orders (9am until 10am Wed mornings) and cooking the sausages (12pm until 1pm Wednesday lunchtime). Please be in touch with the school office 544 8959 or Vanessa Jones (PTC Chair) 021 234 9185 if you can help occasionally. Thank you!

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Term Dates 2021/2022

Term Dates 2021

TERM 2 Monday 3rd May – Friday 9th July

TERM 3 Monday 26th July – Friday 1st October

TERM 4 Monday 18th October – Tuesday 14th December (school closes 12.30pm)


Public Holidays/Additional Days 2021

Teacher Only Day – Monday 30th August

Teacher Only Day – Friday 22nd October

Labour Day – Monday 25th October



Term Dates 2022

TERM 1 Wednesday 2nd February – Thursday 14th April

TERM 2 Monday 2rd May – Friday 8th July

TERM 3 Monday 25th July – Friday 30th September

TERM 4 Monday 17th October – Thursday 15th December (school closes 12.30pm)


Public Holidays/Additional Days 2022

Nelson Anniversary Day – Monday 31st January

Waitangi Day (Observed) – Monday 7th February

Good Friday – Friday 15th April

Easter Monday – Monday 18th April (in holidays)

Easter Tuesday – Tuesday 19th April (in holidays)

Anzac Day (Observed) – Monday 25th April (in holidays)

Queen’s Birthday – Monday 6th June

Matariki – Friday 24th June

Labour Day – Monday 24th October