Richmond School Emergency Procedures

Keeping our children safe while at school.

Fire drills are carried out each term to ensure that children are familiar with our emergency procedure, should an event occur.

Earthquake drills also regularly take place within the classrooms.

Lock-down procedures:
• The warning of a lock-down is 5 long rings on the bell in a row.
• At that time children and staff should lie down on floor of the classroom (or if in the library, hall or computer suite if you are in there – don’t try and return to your classroom). Doors closed and curtains pulled (if there are any). If the children are outside or in the playground the staff will take into account the present situation and if they can return to their classroom (or another building) they should do so.
• What until there are further instructions from management or office. They will be in close contact with the police.
• When in lock-down, parents/caregivers will not be permitted to enter the classrooms to get their children (until management says so).

Please keep your contact details up to date and inform the school office of any changes in case we need to contact you in an emergency.