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Concrete Table Tennis Table

Recently our new concrete table tennis table was installed over by Room 8. This was purchased by the Parent Teacher Comittee. The children use padder tennis bats and tennis balls to play the game. It has been a real hit! Another great initiative by the PTC. Thank you!


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‘Church on the Hill’ Carpark Now Closed

For many years Richmond School parents/whānau/staff have been very fortunate the Trinity ‘Church on the Hill’ allowed us to use their carpark before school and after school. People can appreciate this is private property.

The church has made the decision, in consultation with the Richmond School Board of Trustees, that this is no longer a viable option due to the large numbers of cars in the carpark area along with the foot traffic at busy times (before school and after school). Recently there have been a number of ‘close calls’ involving children. Pedestrian safety in this area is paramount.

From Monday 7th August 2017 onwards the Richmond School parents/whānau/staff will NOT be able to use the carpark before school and at the end of the school day. Please respect the church’s decision (one the Richmond School Board supports).

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Auntie Ngawai Jones

It is incredibly sad to advise that our kuia, Auntie Ngawai Jones has passed away. Everyone in the Richmond School whānau passes on our condolences to the Jones family. A number of staff and pupils attended her funeral this week with the children singing beautifully during the service.