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Komiti Maori Meeting – Wednesday 11th April

All welcome. We will be discussing Te Teo and Tikanga Maori as well as out Rich topic for next term “The Rainforest”.

We would love to hear your ideas.

We will also be discussing Classroom programmes in 2017 and would then like to set some goals in Te Reo and Tikanga Maori for 2018.

You do not need to be a member of the Komiti Maori to attend.

Please let the office know if you can attend – we would love to see you there.

Glenna Armstrong

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PTC Quiz Night and Silent Auction – Friday 15th June

The annual Richmond School Quiz and Silent Auction will take place in the Richmond School hall on Friday 15th June at 6.30pm. Up to 8 people per table – $80 which includes pizza and a platter. Bar available. Tickets will go on sale in Term 2. This is always a sell-out evening so please get in quick to secure a table. We rely on local businesses to support our event by donating prizes for our silent auction, so if you are able to help, we’d love to hear from you! You may also promote your business by sponsoring a table for $50. This year we are using the funds raised to go towards the purchase of a fitness trail for the front field.

By admin

School Photos – Thursday 12th April

Please bring your big smiles to school this Thursday as Heritage Productions will be here to take class and individual photos. If you would like a family photo please return the form from last week’s newsletter to the office by Wednesday and be outside Room 15 at 8.15am on Thursday morning with pre-schoolers/older siblings.

By admin

PTC Battery Fundraiser

Each school family has received a box of batteries containing 15 packs to sell at $5 each. This is a great fundraiser for the school. Please return money or unsold batteries as soon as possible to the school office. The deadline for returning is Friday 23rd March. There is a prize of a skateboard and helmet for the family selling the most boxes and everyone selling at least one whole box will go in the draw to receive one of many prizes supplied by Go Get It. Happy Selling!

By admin

PTC Sushi Lunch Friday 23rd March

This is a one-off for this term and will be instead of the usual Friday sausage lunch fundraiser. Forms are being sent home tomorrow (Friday 16th March). Order forms must be in your class lunch order box or to the office by 9AM WEDNESDAY 21ST MARCH. No late orders will be accepted!