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2025 Stationery

2025 Back to school stationery – order now!

We’ve teamed up with OfficeMax to make getting school ready faster! Your child’s class list is available now on Office Max My School

We encourage you to order early to ensure your child has all their stationery requirements ready to go for the start of Term 1.

2024 stationery packs for Rooms 17 and 18 (New Entrants) are available to purchase all ready made up from the school office. These are currently $35. Packs for Room 19 and 20 (Year 0/1) are also available at the school office for $42. Eftpos available at the office.

At the end of each year class stationery list will be handed out with your child’s final reports along with details of the teacher and room number for the following year. Stationery is available online via Office Max and will be delivered to your door. Parents may also purchase the stationery at any retail outlet.

By admin

Daffodil Day – Friday 20th September


We are going to celebrate Daffodil Day on Friday 20th September.

• We will be selling items at 8.30am at the gates (daffodils, UV bands, tattoos)
• Dress up in yellow, green and/or orange.
• Bring lots of small coins for the coin trail. And toy coin toss.
• Free face painting and tattoos available at break times.
• Cupcakes for sale at lunchtime.
• Colouring in competition.

Are you able to make some cupcakes that we can sell on
Daffodil Day?
Please let the office know if you can help.
They would need to be brought to the school hall kitchen in the morning on Friday
20th September.

By admin

Pizza Lunch Friday 30th August

PTC Pizza Fundraiser this Friday 30th August. $2 per slice of either Hawaiian, Pepperoni or Cheese. Orders to classroom money box by 3pm on Thursday 29th August. Please write child’s name, room number and flavour choice on paper in a bag or envelope and have them place it in their classroom money box. Thanks!

By admin

Book Week – 26th to 30th August

A reminder that it’s BOOK WEEK this week. Lots of things happening including
• BOOK FAIR in our old dental clinic by the hall. Tuesday – Friday. 8.30 to 9.15am and 2.30 to 3.15pm
• BOOK CHARACTER DAY on Friday. Dress up as a book character.
• BOOK CHARACTER PARADE around Richmond on Friday, starting at approx. 9.30am.
• Lots of COMPETITIONS including GET SNAPPED READING. Get your entry in to Jane Mitchell in the library.