Teachers are using Behaviour Management Plans in their classrooms; they send home details of their class behaviour management plans early in the first term.
Some of the main elements of our Behaviour Management systems are:
- There is a strong emphasis on reinforcing good behaviour. Children will be rewarded for appropriate behaviour. Class teachers will decide with their students what sort of rewards will be used.
- Each class has a small number of very basic Class Rules. There are a number of ‘consequences’ for children who do not follow the class rules. Parents are involved early in cases where children are having difficulty following the rules. There are also a number of School Rules to indicate the expectations we have of children’s behaviour in the playground.
- In the first instance please contact your child’s class teacher if you have concerns about behaviour.
- Good communication between parents and teachers is an important aspect in helping children to learn appropriate behaviour.
- The Syndicate Team Leaders, Deputy Principal, Associate Principal and the Principal are also available to help with behaviour management matters.