We have developed this visual representation of our school vision and motto to ensure it is shared and understood by our community. Through having our school vision and motto represented in a visual way, we ensure it is a living and breathing component of our school.
The NZ Curriculum introduces its vision as what we want for our young people. It is a statement of what it will look like today and in the future. It has several key points but is most often represented by: “For young people to be confident, connected, actively involved lifelong learners."
At Richmond School we recognise the vision the NZ Curriculum espouses and have developed our own vision statement:
'To be successful learners for life'
Our motto is more of a description of what is always foremost in our minds as we carry out our operations. 'Akina Kia Kaha - Stay strong and always strive for your best.' Essentially it means we are child-centred. Our policy, procedure and programmes reflect that we cater for the individual needs of students who attend our school, recognising that children have different backgrounds, starting points, interests and aspirations.
AROHA - Our school values
Values are described in The New Zealand Curriculum (2007) as ‘deeply held beliefs about what is important or desirable. They are expressed in the ways that people think and act’.
Teachers at Richmond School develop learning experiences that provide students with opportunities to learn about values and develop value-related capabilities.
AROHA – to treat others like you want to be treated – this also has an overall emphasis on love and kindness.
A – Ako (to learn and teach - Tuakana Teina reciprocal learning). Resilience, perseverance and learning from your mistakes and from each other. Self-management skills, thinking critically, being curious and asking questions. Being a life-long learnerS
R – Respect (Respecting people, belongings, equipment, environment, and boundaries Manaakitanga).
Being kind, honest and building relationships with students, teachers, staff and community – Whānaungatanga.
O – Opportunities (Take advantage of anything that is offered at school in The Arts, Sports, School leaders etc).
Build confidence to give things a try. Participating and contributing and making learning rich and meaningful.
H – Hauora (Well-being of everyone, emotionally, spiritually, socially, culturally, physically and mentally).
A sense of belonging - Turangawaewae. Feeling supported, valued and heard. Using the Zones of Regulation.
A – Achieve (Achieving personal goals and making improvements).
Celebrating success through assembly and playground awards. Children being aware of clear pathways in curriculum.