Letter Parents – Lockdown Exercise This Afternoon – Thursday 12th May

Message to parents re the school undertaking a LOCKDOWN EXERCISE this afternoon

Kia ora parents/caregivers

Yesterday we informed parents via email and our facebook page today we are conducting a lockdown exercise under the guidance and support of Harrison-Tew Ltd.

The exercise will be as real-life as possible, which means that parents/families will receive notification by email. This information will emphasise that we are conducting a lockdown exercise/practice and will explain that all updated information will then be posted in the school website and facebook page.

Just like if there was a genuine incident, should you hear of a lockdown or evacuation at the school, please do not come to school or phone, as we will not be able to respond. There will be regular updates on placed on our facebook page, website and via emails. Your presence at, or contact with, the school may make it more difficult to manage the situation and could potentially place your child, and in fact, yourselves at risk.

We thank you for your support.

Ngā mihi.

Tim Brenton.


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