School Information

For all your information, guidelines and policies.

The purpose of this page is to provide information in brief about our school. It is hoped it will be helpful to families new to our school as well as being kept handy as a reference point for those with children already at the school. If the answer to your question is not within these pages, it is hoped that you will at least be able to find out who to contact about a particular matter. Interim additions and amendments being notified by way of our weekly newsletter.

For 2024 Richmond School is organised into four main groups - Karearea Syndicate (Senior), Takahe Syndicate (Middle), Tui Syndicate (Year 1/2) and Piwakaka Syndicate (Year 0/1)).

The Piwakawaka Syndicate currently has five Year 0/1 classes.
The Tui Syndicate has five Year 1/2 classes.
The Takahe has five Year 3/4 classes.
The Karearea Syndicate has six Year 5/6 classes.

Other staff include: the Principal (Tim Brenton), Associate Principal (Glenna Armstrong), Deputy Principal (Ryan Higgins) ten teacher aides, administration officer, librarian, two office support personnel, technology support person and a full-time caretaker.

Buildings include 21 teaching spaces, a Library, Resource Room, Computer Suite, a large hall, as well as administration and staffroom areas.

An extensive planting programme, combined with community and staff interest in a pleasant outdoor environment, has resulted in an attractive setting for the school. Other features include a swimming pool with solar heating and changing facilities, three adventure playground areas, and separate playground areas.

Many parents are closely involved with assisting in school based activities, reflecting the open door policy of the school. If you would like to become more involved in school or class activities please contact your child's class teacher.