The following points from our policy statement should be noted:
1. The Police recommend that only children who are 10 years old should ride bikes/scooters to school unaccompanied by an adult.
2. All bikes & scooters are to be kept in the bike racks (by Room 4) during school hours. Please chain these to the racks.
3. Approved cycle helmets must be worn (by law).
4. Seat belts & booster seats must be used according to the law by children travelling in cars on school events.
5. Children walking to school must cross at supervised crossing points where appropriate. Further information available from the school office.
6. Vehicles used by parents to transport children on school outings must be currently registered and warranted. The driver must hold a current driver’s licence.
The area outside the main office is a 2 MINUTE PARKING ZONE between 8:30-9:30am and from 2:30–3:30pm each day.
This means parents CAN ONLY STOP FOR 2 MINUTES BETWEEN THE ABOVE TIMES (It is NOT a parking or waiting zone)
When parents stop, park and double park in this area it leads to frustration for others and more importantly it becomes a Danger Zone for Children. If you wish to stop and park then please use the other car park areas:
- Church on the Hill car park (but not on the grass and within the lines)
- Church Street (at the Gladstone Road end)
- Dorset Street
- Oxford Street
- Waverley Street is a good street to park in and then it’s a little wander along Trinity Lane.
- Waimea Old Boys car park (cross Gladstone Road at the zebra crossing)