Class outings can add a lot of value to our learning programmes.
We very much appreciate the assistance of those parents who are able to offer help with transport on our class trips. Without these trips there would be less opportunities to take our learning out of the classroom and / or greater costs for alternative transport options.
A notice will come home requesting your permission for your child to attend a trip and to indicate whether you are able to help out.
All vehicles must be warranted and registered as per the Transport Policy attached and must only take as many children as can be restrained in their car using diagonal seat beats – not lap belts.
Children requiring child restraints / booster seats will be requested to bring these to school on the morning of the trip. Under New Zealand law, all children under eight years of age must use an approved child restraint appropriate for their age and size.
All parents both taking transport and giving permission for their child to travel have the opportunity to say whether their child can travel in the front seat or not.
Safety is our first priority in travel, be it in vehicles, public transport or walking (footpaths, roads) or crossing streets safely.
- To protect and ensure children’s safety when travelling in vehicles.
- To promote safe practices.
- Every person must be restrained by his/her own seat belt, with the exception of buses.
- Car drivers will comply with the 1st November 2013 regulations that children, until they turn 7, must be in approved child restraints (this can be booster seats). Also it is preferable for children from their 7th birthday until their 8th birthday to be in a child restraint, if not then in a safety belt.
- Noted on trip newsletters parents will be reminded to provide booster seats for their children (those requiring them).
- Vehicles must have a current Warrant of Fitness/Certificate of Fitness and be legally roadworthy (registered).
- Drivers must have a current full driver’s licence applicable to the vehicle they are driving.
- Baggage and equipment must be stowed safely and appropriately.
- Avoid transporting a student on his/her own (unless with own parent/caregiver).
- Insurance of all vehicles is the responsibility of the owner.
- The school shall not be responsible for any insurance claims related to an accident.
- All drivers must be totally free from the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Drivers must not smoke in vehicles or whilst supervising pupils on trips.
- Safe examples must be shown to pupils when crossing roads.
- On buses at least one teacher/adult (in addition to the bus driver) must be present on each bus and all children must be seated.
- Buses need to be of an appropriate cleanliness and maintenance standard fit for children to travel on.
- Caregivers/parents who are not actively providing transport may be asked to contribute towards vehicle costs.
- Transport Policy to be included on the back of any notices sent home requesting transport for E.O.T.C. (Experiences Outside The Classroom) activities.
- When offering transport, parents are required to sign on the permission slip that they will adhere to the requirements noted on the Transport Policy.
Sports field days, school trips and other EOTC visits often require transportation of pupils. The safety of our children is of paramount consideration.
Amanda Howard – Board Chairperson
Date of Review: 2nd July 2015
Next review date: Term 2 2019